Chanas Assur AUTO

The purpose of automobile insurance is to guarantee the driver of a motor vehicle against the consequences of material or bodily damage caused by his vehicle to third parties, against the damage suffered by the vehicle.
To know more about it

Civil liability as head of the family

The Civil Liability Insurance for the head of the family or private life, is a contract that guarantees you the financial consequences that you incur when you, your children and your employees for whom you are responsible cause a material damage… Read more

Travel insurance

It is an insurance limited in time that guarantees the insured, in case of bodily injury or illness occurring during private or business trips, as well as the assistance services … Read more

Multi-risk home insurance

Multi-risk Home insurance offers the insured the protection of his home (building and contents) regardless of his legal status (owner or tenant).
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Chanas Assur AUTO

The purpose of automobile insurance is to guarantee the driver of a motor vehicle against the consequences of material or bodily damage caused by his vehicle to third parties, against the damage suffered by the vehicle.
To know more about it

Civil liability as head of the family

The Civil Liability Insurance for the head of the family or private life, is a contract that guarantees you the financial consequences that you incur when you, your children and your employees for whom you are responsible cause a material damage… Read more

Travel insurance

It is an insurance limited in time that guarantees the insured, in case of bodily injury or illness occurring during private or business trips, as well as the assistance services … Read more

Multi-risk home insurance

Multi-risk Home insurance offers the insured the protection of his home (building and contents) regardless of his legal status (owner or tenant).
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