Chanas ASSUR CRedit

Credit insurance is a portfolio insurance whose purpose is to guarantee the insured against the risks of default of his client following insolvency under the conditions defined in the contract. Raise your expectations locally and abroad without the risk of customer default. From now on, with Chanas Assurances S.A. security is assured.

How do I subscribe?

  • In person

It’s simple, just go to one of our agencies to open your file.
Our teams of expert advisors are at your disposal in our offices.
African solidarity is expressed in our financial insurance!

  • On line

Get an online quote for your CREDIT insurance via a quote request form, and order your insurance.

Who can subscribe?

Any company operating in the field of public and/or private contracts.

Offers for companies

You are an insured Chanas ?

You want to know about all our approved health care providers, get a quote, download a document, make a claim, declare a loss, …

Chanas ASSUR CRedit

Credit insurance is a portfolio insurance whose purpose is to guarantee the insured against the risks of default of his client following insolvency under the conditions defined in the contract. Raise your expectations locally and abroad without the risk of customer default. From now on, with Chanas Assurances S.A. security is assured.

How do I subscribe?

  • In person

It’s simple, just go to one of our agencies to open your file.
Our teams of expert advisors are at your disposal in our offices.
African solidarity is expressed in our financial insurance!

  • On line

Get an online quote for your CREDIT insurance via a quote request form, and order your insurance.

Who can subscribe?

Any company operating in the field of public and/or private contracts.

Offers for companies

You are an insured Chanas ?

You want to know about all our approved health care providers, get a quote, download a document, make a claim, declare a loss, …

What are the guarantees of the Chanas ASSUR CRedit contract?

What are the guarantees of the Chanas ASSUR CRedit contract?



Insolvency is the situation in which a company is unable to repay its creditors, pay its debts or settle its claims because its expenses can no longer be covered by its revenues.

What are the different credit insurance products?

Internal or domestic credit insurance

Cover yourself against the risk of non-payment incurred during credit sales operations granted to companies established within the limits of the national territory, with Chanas Assurances S.A. the risk is controlled.

Export credit insurance

Export, conquer the international market, don’t hesitate, Chanas Assurances S.A. will accompany you.

You will be able to increase your local and international sales, safely.

Credit factor insurance

Make sure that you are covered against the risk of non-payment of receivables transferred to you during factoring operations.

The risk of non-payment is covered with Chanas Assurances S.A.

Bank loan insurance

Loans made to your clients (individuals) with permanent and regular income are covered regardless of their destination.

The insolvency of these clients will no longer affect you, Chanas Assurances S.A. has you covered.

Disaster Guide

In general, Chanas Assurances S.A. assumes responsibility for claims with material and bodily consequences.

  • Material losses: These are those in which the vehicle or other property of the insured or third party is damaged as a result of an incident covered by the contractual clauses.
  • Bodily injury : In this case, there is an attack on the physical integrity of the persons involved.

Whether it is a traffic accident involving your car, a fire, theft, electrical damage affecting the vehicle, your home or business, the actions listed below must be carried out in a timely manner, for a quick and efficient handling of the damage.

  • Have the incident reported by the police. In the case of minor material losses (damage less than 500,000 FCFA) and in which the adversary is clearly identified, the IDA Report is sufficient. For all other cases a bailiff is recommended. This document shall be produced in original or certified copy to the insurer.

Download the disaster guide.pdf

Property damage

1. For auto damage coverage.

The following documents must be produced to the insurer in order to facilitate the indemnity procedure:

  • A completed Chanas claim form specifying the circumstances of the accident;
  • Photocopy of the driver’s license of the person who was driving, vehicle registration document, technical inspection certificate;

2. For miscellaneous damage coverages.

  • Statement of claim signed on company letterhead for companies or on a simple format for an individual;
  • Any report or report card established;
  • …..

Bodily injury claims

1. For the collective accident.

We cover the funeral expenses, the economic and moral prejudices of the beneficiaries. The documents to be produced are the following:

  • Certificate of kind of death;
  • Legalized photocopy of death certificate ;

2. For the injured person’s civil liability compensation.

We cover medical expenses, temporary work incapacity, permanent incapacity, economic loss, cosmetic loss and physical suffering, and career loss.

The documents to be produced by the recipient are as follows:

  • Minutes of Hearing;
  • Legal medical certificates (Initial and Final) ;
  • Medical documents (originals);
  • ….

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